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Sentry Network

January 13th-14th 

Join us in January 2025 for the 2nd Annual Sentry Network Summit where agriculture professionals, farmers, and our team converge for an engaging experience.


Learn more about Sentinel's advancements and gain knowledge to apply in 2025 through immersive educational sessions and interactive discussions.


We’re eager to learn from your expertise and experience to drive nutrient management forward.

Managing Nitrogen is complex - we make it simple.

Our N-Time software provides image-based nitrogen application scheduling recommendations for your operation.

Optimal Nitrogen for your crop's potential.

Developed through on-farm research, N-Time is a software platform that delivers real-time, imagery-based nutrient recommendations directly to users throughout the growing season.

A man holding a tablet shows another man something on the tablet while standing in a corn field.
save up to

42 lb-n/ac

using N-Time recommendations

Better for your bottom line. Better for the environment.

By providing recommendations that inform producers when they need to apply Nitrogen, our N-Time software helps farmers use the right amount of fertilizer — bolstering their bottom line and preserving the environment in the process.

What farmers are saying

"I used N-Time on my trial fields of nitrogen rates and n-fixing biologicals. N-Time helped me monitor effectiveness and saved me an additional 30 pounds more than I had hoped. I was able to maintain my top end yields while averaging only .56lbs/bu!"


- Aaron, farmer in Neligh, NE

Resource Center

Here's where you'll find informational blog posts, case studies demonstrating N-Time impacts, and the latest news clips and articles featuring Sentinel.

How Fertigation Improves Sustainability Practices, the Environment, and Your Operation’s Future

We already know fertigating can help farmers save money and time. But fertigation isn’t just a way to boost ROI or grow healthier crops. It’s also a strategy for better land stewardship ...

Optimize Applications - Case Study

See how a grower utilized N-Time to improve their NUE while maintaining top-end yields ...


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Sentinel closes seed funding round with $2.5 million raised from farmer-focused investment groups

The funding infusion will propel the AgTech startup forward as it continues to scale and enhance its cost-saving nitrogen management software system ...

Founded to help farmers

Born out of research conducted at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Sentinel was established with the goal of putting the best technology into the hands of producers. That continues to be our focus as we expand into fields across the Great Plains and beyond.

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Trusted providers make implementation easy

Our Sentry Network of agronomic partners help farmers implement our nutrient management solution on growing operations throughout Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and beyond.

OUR Partners

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(531) 893-1559

2125 Transformation Dr. Suite 1000

Lincoln, NE 68508

Get In Touch
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