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by the Numbers


After years of on-farm research trials, Sentinel Fertigation made its N-Time® Fertigation Management System commercially available for the first time in 2022. N-Time was implemented on approximately 8,000 acres across Nebraska and Kansas by several dozen farmers.

We're excited about the success farmers achieved with some help from our nitrogen management tool. We've compiled and analyzed data from the harvest and compiled it on this page.

Last updated: 12/6/22
Fields analyzed: 42


lb-N saved per acre


N savings per acre


bu/ac average yield


increase in profitability


increase in yield per unit N (NUE)

Regional Results

N-Time users by region

This map indicates where analyzed data from N-Time implementation during the 2022 growing season came from. While the vast majority of N-Time users were located in Central Nebraska, the fertigation management system was used by farmers in every part of Nebraska and also in Northeast Kansas.

The results in each region are further explored in the chart below:

Lb-N saved per acre


Bu/acre average yield


N savings per acre


Increase in profitability


Increase in yield per unit N (NUE)

Soil Types

N-Time was implemented effectively on fields with various soil types — each represented in this chart.


Soil Types were classified as follows:

  • Light: Loamy Sand, Loamy Fine Sand, Fine Sand, Fine Sandy Loam, Sandy Loam

  • Medium: Silt Loam, Loam

  • Heavy: Silty Clay Loam

What about yield?

We know what you're thinking: Yeah, these stats are great, but what about yield? While using our technology in 2022, our farmers also were able to achieve strong yield outcomes.


Yields exceeded expectations by 10% on average. Additionally, growers were able to achieve an average of $166.59/ac more profit, marking an average 14% increase versus what was anticipated.

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